Ключевые слова: формат дискурса, телеграм-дискурс, цифровая коммуникация, медиалингвистика, трудовая миграция.
Abstract. The paper presents the results of a media linguistic study of Telegram discourse as a segment of the Internet viewed in a system of characteristics determined by the multimedia organization of communication in the social network. The objective of the research is to work out relevant parameters for analyzing Telegram discourse as a format, taking into account both linguistic and extralinguistic factors. The methodology is based on the advantages of Discourse analysis, Internet linguistics, Media linguistics about the language of electronic interaction, functional varieties of speech, multimodality of discourse, changes in the quality of textuality in new technological conditions. The Telegram discourse format is interpreted as a set of parameters that organize its content and determine its functioning in a digital environment. A case study method has been applied. The material for the analysis presents a selection of 922 messages posted on Telegram about labor migration from September to December 2023. Two analyzed channels cover more than 200 thousand subscribers. It is explained that the ontology and the functioning of Telegram discourse is motivated by extralinguistic reasons. To prove that, the analysis of the technical and multimedia properties of the messenger, the structure of Telegram communication, the combinations of semiotic systems is carried out. The author draws the conclusion about the polyparametricity of the format of Telegram discourse, realized through modularity, dialogicity, hypertextuality, and convergence. A case study on migrant workers reveals changes of the quality of the written speech in the digital discourse and its transformation into the written-and-spoken variety. The results of the research open up prospects for further development of the problems of formatting discourse against the backdrop of virtualization of social practices.
Keywords: format of discourse, Telegram discourse, digital communication, media linguistics, labour migration.