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Chudinov, A., Solopova, O. (2015). Linguistic political prognostics: models and scenarios of future

Chudinov, A., Solopova, O. (2015). Linguistic political prognostics: models and scenarios of future
Anatoliy P. Chudinov

Ural Pedagogical University, Russia

Olga A. Solopova

South Ural State University (National Research University), Russia

Linguistic political prognostics: models and scenarios of future 

For citation: Chudinov, A., Solopova, O. (2015). Linguistic political prognostics: models and scenarios of future. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. 200: 412–417.

The present paper briefly recalls theoretical preconditions for forming a new approach – linguistic political prognostics. The authors review theories and methods used for strengthening a future focus in political discourses and work out two main tools – a model of future and a scenario of future. The paper examines implications of metaphorical analogies for modeling future in mass media. The authors argue that metaphor is not merely a rhetorical ornament in the political discourse of media regulation but a conceptual model that legislates and regulates our understanding of future.

Key wordslinguistic political prognostics; cognitive linguistics; future research; political discourse; model; scenario; metaphor

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